The PJ Project

With a few weeks still to go to donate a warm pair of pyjamas for our Tamariki this winter, here at Taupo budget house we have managed to collect around 45 pairs.

If you would like to donate $10 instead of pyjamas, click here to donate via their website

Here is a little snippet of the May update and how many pairs of Pyjamas they have recieved so far

May Update

PJ Donations

•6,495 pairs of PJs distributed so far.

•60 schools, early childhood centres, kōhanga reo, social agencies and housing agencies have received pyjamas for the whānau they support.

•1,610 tamariki in the Hawke’s Bay with a brand-new pair of PJs.

•Tūwharetoa Health is the largest Kaupapa Māori Health provider in the central North Island. They’ve received PJs through the PJ Project for a number of years now, this year receiving 394 pairs to distribute across the rohe of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.


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