Vegetables you can grow from scraps
As we all know, its getting increasingly more expensive to buy groceries. Especially fresh fruit and vegetables! Now is a great time to start your spring/summer vege garden! Gardening can be another expensive exercise but there are actually a lot of things you can grow successfully from scraps.
Here are a few vegetables you can grow from scraps and how you do it
1. Celery – Keep the base of the celery once you have chopped bits off the top that you use. Place the base in a bowl with some water until you see roots forming at the bottom of the stem. Then you can plant it into the garden and watch it regrow!
2. Lettuce – Take the base of the lettuce after you have removed the leaves. Place in a bowl of water for about a week until you see roots forming. Plant out in the garden and make sure to keep it well watered.
3. Potatoes – They will grow very easily. All you ned is a few peels with some “eyes” still attached. Place them into the garden with the “eyes” facing up. You will have yummy homegrown potatoes in just a few weeks!
4. Pumpkin – Perfect to plant out in the spring months! Save some seeds from the next pumpkin you eat, clean and dry them and plant them out.
5. Garlic – To grow garlic, you just need to plant one of the cloves into soil with the fat end down and the pointy end up. If planted in spring, it should be ready to harvest in summer when the tops start to brown.
These are just a few examples of things you can grow from scraps. This could be a huge money saver for you while we go through this cost of living crisis. Gardening is also an extrememly theraputic and satisfying hobby. If you have never tried before, make it your goal this spring and you might find it is something you find great joy in.